They may look alarming, but skin tags are common and harmless. But if your skin tag is causing pain or you just simply find it unappealing, the team at Bay Ridge Dermatology can safely remove it. Call today or request an appointment using the appointment request system for a consultation.
make an appointmentWhat is a skin tag?
A skin tag, also known as an acrochordon, is a very common skin growth. It is estimated that about half of all adults have at least one skin tag. A family history of skin tags may increase your risk for developing these in the future.
They often grow in areas where the skin folds such as your underarms, neck, groin, and eyelids. There is no way to prevent them but they are typically not painful nor harmful. Most of the time, people just find them unattractive.
How are skin tags removed?
Skin tags are not dangerous so treatment is not medically necessary, but you may not like how they look or feel. There are several cosmetic options and the providers at Bay Ridge Dermatology can determine which options are most appropriate for you.
Cosmetic treatment options include:
- Cryotherapy
- Electrodessication
- Surgical scissor
While skin tags are not a health hazard, you may find them a nuisance and want to have them removed. Call today or request an appointment online to have these taken care of.