Skin conditions that cause large patches of red, dry, scaly skin, such as psoriasis and eczema, can make you feel self-conscious and want to cover up. The staff at Bay Ridge Dermatology can help you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin and offers advanced treatment with XTRAC® laser to help improve your skin’s appearance. To learn more about the XTRAC® laser or start treatment, call the office or request an appointment online.
make an appointmentWhat is XTRAC® laser?
The XTRAC® laser is an advanced medical treatment that uses ultraviolet B (UVB) light to treat various skin conditions. The handheld device targets the affected skin without touching your healthy skin to clear up your breakouts, and the concentrated light therapy works faster than exposure to the sun.
Am I a good candidate for XTRAC® laser treatment?
The XTRAC® laser is FDA-approved to treat mild to severe cases of psoriasis, which is a common skin condition that causes the buildup of skin cells on your epidermis and leads to red, scaly patches.
The skin care experts at Bay Ridge Dermatology also use the XTRAC® laser as a treatment for vitiligo and eczema.
Vitiligo is an unpredictable skin disorder that causes your skin to lose color in various spots on your body due to the death of melanin, which are the cells responsible for creating pigment in your skin and hair.
Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes red, scaly, and itchy skin.
The skin care experts at Bay Ridge Dermatology can examine your skin and help determine if XTRAC® laser treatment is a good choice for you.
What can I expect during treatment with XTRAC®?
Treatment with the XTRAC® laser is quick and painless. Our laser specialists place the handheld device over the affected skin which allows the laser to target the specific area.
After treatment, you can go back to your usual activities. Side effects are uncommon, but you may experience some redness over the treated area.
For best results, the practice recommends 2-3 treatments per week over the course of several months or until resolution.
How long does treatment last?
Treatment with the XTRAC® laser may help prevent a skin breakout for up to six months. The skincare experts at Bay Ridge Dermatology provide guidelines on what to expect with treatment and what to do when you experience a breakout, including recommendations for additional treatments with the XTRAC® laser.
For advanced laser treatment for your psoriasis, vitiligo, or eczema, call the office or request an appointment using the request appointment button.