If you are ready to stop plucking, tweezing, and waxing unwanted hair, the staff at Bay Ridge Dermatology can solve your hair issues through permanent hair reduction using intense pulsed light. This advanced cosmetic treatment targets the hair follicle to permanently reduce hair growth and thickness. Call today or request an appointment online to start treatment.

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What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic treatment that helps get rid of unwanted hair. The skin care experts at Bay Ridge Dermatology use an advanced laser that has the capability to target large areas, and is equipped with Contact Cooling™ and Smooth Pulse™ technology to provide comfortable and effective treatments for all skin types.

The practice can treat almost any area of your body including your:

  • face
  • upper lip
  • underarms
  • legs
  • bikini area

The specialized laser at Bay Ridge Dermatology permanently reduces unwanted hair in just a few treatments.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal treatment works by targeting your hair follicle and destroying it so hair can’t grow back. To get the best results, the team at Bay Ridge Dermatology may recommend you stop plucking and waxing before starting treatment because these methods of hair removal remove the root of the follicle and may make your laser treatment less effective.

What can I expect during laser hair removal treatment?

Laser hair removal is a fairly quick treatment. The Bay Ridge Dermatology team begins by assessing your skin type to ensure that the proper settings are used.

Once you are prepped and ready, the technician places the handpiece over the areas to be treated which is equipped with a cooling tip to maximize comfort. You may feel a short burst of heat as the instrument targets your hair follicle.

The length of treatment depends on the size of the area you are having the hair removed from. Most treatments will take anywhere from 10-30 minutes.

Due to the growth cycle of your hair, the practice recommends an initial set of 4-6 sessions at 3-4 week intervals for best results.

How long until I see results?

You will see the results almost immediately. During the first session, up to 25% of your hair is likely to be removed and the hair that grows back comes in lighter and finer. Continued treatments and occasional maintenance treatments are recommended for lasting results.

For safe and effective hair removal, call today or request an appointment online.